
Message from the President

Fellow Members and Friends:
Thank you for entrusting me and our outstanding Board of Directors with the stewardship of our chapter.  I can only hope to continue and expand on the success of our immediate and recent past Presidents.   Along those lines, we have planned many interesting and educational programs to be held throughout the coming year.
We have diverse topic as well as some favorites,  we hope to see you at a few:

Our October dinner featuring Long Island Real Estate was a successful and informative meeting.   See the discussion box below for a recap of this event. 

Pursuant to our global mission, we continue the work of our chapter in improving the development of our business practices in our community.  I encourage all our members to avail themselves of the great educational, networking and sponsorship opportunities available. Our sponsors enable the Long Island chapter to provide excellent programming, as well as outreach to local colleges and universities in order to foster connections with the future leaders of the profession.

I look forward to seeing you at our events.

Best Regards,

Gerard R. Luckman

President Long Island Chapter IMA

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